Sunday, September 25, 2022

Waste From Nuclear energy

People around the world are now talking about "waste" from nuclear power and discussing what to do with the waste . I remember in 1991 learning about " recycling " in school . Interestingly the topic of waste is now treated like a concept that is completely new . Any kid nowadays can tell you what receycling is and how to do it . Whatever you consume ,whether it is fruits and vegetables or products like containors for milk or juices... Fruits and vegetables can be recycled again by planting the seed or outer shell of said food item . With containors and bottles , everybody knows , you can recycle by reusing those containors or throwing them into a recycle bin that brings them to a factory that does the recycling by burning and disinfecting them to be reused again and for a new product . The same goes with waste from nuclear power . The residuals or waste is being recycled instantly made into fuel that is then used as energy . Our entire planet is made of rcycling . Our ecology , any waste we produce and whateever residules we have from the weather is immediately recycled . This is not rocket science . This vidoe shows step by step how waste from nuclear energy is being recycled . Thank you for reading

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